Seven Things That Contribute to Your Fatter Wallet and Our Cleaner Planet
Here below are a few things that you can immediately do to reduce your utility bills, and save money while you contribute to preserving the environment. Obviously, saving energy in your home saves you money and helps the planet. Here is why: - less energy consumption leads to less fuel demand, process and burn - and you know that when it comes to fuels, every stage in the energy production process is highly damaging for our planet and lives. So what can you and me do to help things to go smoothly?
Raising the awareness
First of all, we need to be aware of how things are going and know that for every problem there is always at least one solution. Our problems are the environment and high energy bills for now. The problem is real and the solutions are effective. You'll be surprised how easy it is to put into practice little things that will help us to solve our problem without having much stress. Saving energy is much simpler than you can even imagine. Simple actions and basic appliances will bring us closer to our solution. Doors, windows, light bulbs, refrigerators, taps and switches are just a few examples of energy and environment saving devices or their opposite for instance. Acting right away on those and other appliances will make the process quick and cheap. As you can see you are very familiar with all this things, what you need is a more efficient way to let them serve you. With a few basic measures you'll reduce your monthly bills, and you'll fight global warming with success.
Choosing energy saving products
You can always choose to use energy saving products or normal products in your home. Apparently there is no difference between those categories but buying this products is a smart action to take to reduce energy bills and our dependence on harmful fuels. There are already lots of products available to choose from which will help you with this task and many others constantly appearing on the market. There are things you may want to do to reach our goal.
Changing habits
Making small and effortless changes in your daily habits is another way to follow if you want to go on your favorite holiday with your family next year with some extra cash. ItâEUR(TM)s not difficult nor expensive or time consuming, it's just a matter of doing things in a better way. In fact the way you use the appliances and devices in your home affects your energy expenses and savings. Think of the fact that if those small things were applied on a global scale the outcome would be simply amazing. Many institutions are working towards a greener future by putting into place, recycling and other worthwhile systems. But this doesn't help much. Only if you and me all give our contribution we'll see appreciable results. So what are those small things?
Take appliances off standby mode
Our houses have lots of appliances for entertainment such as TV, Hi-Fi systems, home theatre, dvd players, computers and so on, we love coming back home and grabbing the remote control to switch them on with just the push of a button. Leaving them in stand-by all day and night through is like having the heat on and the windows opened. Whether they are in stand-by or on, they consume almost the same amount of the energy. Turn your television, computer or Hi-Fi off completely whilst you are not using them and observe how the bill goes down.
Switching off not required lights
It sounds obvious but is one of the most overlooked ways in which you can save energy, just observe it in your home. You may save a large amount of money every year turning off the lights that are not required and using lights only in rooms that are currently occupied. Educate the children, who usually fear darkness, to switch off the lights when they leave the room and if they want a light on during the night you may want to buy a children's plug-in socket light.
Reducing your central heating
Just one degree less in your heating thermostat may save you a good percentage on your utility bills. You will not necessarily notice the difference in the temperature, but you will surely notice it on your bill.
Closing doors and windows
In connection with the heating a very effective action regarding doors and windows must be taken. Of course it's healthy for the house letting new fresh air in, but a couple of minutes is enough. If you don't pay attention to this especially in winter time, you'll suffer the effects on your heating bills. Keep as much heat as you possibly can in your house and you are saving energy and money.
By starting now to apply those changes in your habits you are moving towards a better future for you and for the others, no drastic action is required from your part and in change you'll receive an appreciable outcome.
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