The Advantages and Disadvantages of Continuing Education

 Pursuing higher education will come with great benefits, as well as pitfalls. This article will examine both to help you choose.

The top advantages of continuing education include:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics depicts that individuals earn more with each educational attainment. As an example, compare the following median weekly earnings by educational attainment:

· Workers with Associates Degrees - $785/week

· Workers with Bachelor's Degrees - $1066/week

· Workers with Master's Degrees - $1300/week

· Workers with Doctoral Degrees - $1624/week

Furthermore, unemployment rates decrease the higher up the educational ladder one climbs.

Another study by Global Business Hub showcased how heading back to school opens up employees' eyes about new technological and work trends. Interacting with other leaders, or soon to be leaders in the business also provide key networking opportunities that may come in handy in the future. Ultimately, higher education provides a competitive advantage over one's peers or in the workplace.

Continuing education is also convenient and completely feasible, given that online colleges are plentiful, and can also be completed with reputable colleges offline. Working adults can pursue new goals or even make a career switch - on their own schedule.

The top disadvantages of continuing education include:

More on student's plate - in addition to work and family life, students returning to an online degree school in adulthood will need to squeeze in time for school as well. Taking on more than one can handle seems like a recipe for disaster. However, many working adults make this work by creating a schedule and carving a disciplined mindset. Inform family and friends to chip in, or forego partying for a period of time until the goal of higher education is complete.

A strain on finances - while many working adults have the advantage to earn while they learn, higher education is not considered to be a drop in the bucket. Fortunately, there are many programs to help offset these added expenses including student loans, as well as affordable monthly payments offered by some colleges.

Recreation Takes a Back Seat - a study by the Global Business Hub stated that adult students are less likely to take vacations. However, this shouldn't deter one from pursuing higher education, as reminders constantly exist that this situation is temporary.

In the end, despite the cons of continuing education, the balance is tipped in students' favor in the long run. As a reminder, this includes higher pay, better job security, and increased confidence.


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