Importance Of Education In Helping Corporate Grow Socially Responsible

Our growth in future depends a lot on the resource that we build today; and that includes development of human resource by building quality infrastructure for education. UN has determined the period between 2005 and 2014 to be dedicated in developing human resource through education on protecting environment, economic growth and social development. A society on a whole can only grow when it grows together. When economic disparity is constantly widening, corporate needs to come forward with socially responsible sustainability plan to ensure the future of the society and nation.

Economic disparity is one harsh truth of Indian social structure. And, illiteracy or lack of proper education acts both as the cause and the effect of this unevenness. Under educated society fails to realize its full potential and therefore, can't sustain.

When government efforts are falling short Indian corporation must come forward in sharing responsibility with the government in making the society educationally, economically and socially more equal.

Importance and focus on social responsibility of business grew in prominence when Companies Bill 2012, that suggested corporate to spend 2% of their post-tax profit towards wellbeing and improvement of the society, was proposed by the Indian government. Rise of corporate citizenship that encourages corporations to get involved in overall welfare of the society.

"When an economy grows so large that it reaches or exceeds the threshold point beyond which any further growth is 'uneconomic'. - Samuel Alexander.

We have already reached at the point beyond which growing alone is no longer a sustainable idea. Corporate needs to return part of what they extract from the society for stable future.

Education is one area in India that requires serious involvement. Importance of education is paramount to keep an economy on the constant path of growth. But unfortunately, education in India is one of its major woes. Despite efforts from government the sector is still a laggard and in need of serious involvement from corporations.


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